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What our Customers Say?

Why there is Delay in Pregnancy?

Why there is Delay in Pregnancy?

There can be several reasons for a delay in pregnancy, including factors related to the female partner (e.g., age, ovulation disorders, hormonal imbalances, uterine abnormalities), male partner (e.g., low sperm count or motility), or both partners (e.g., genetic factors, lifestyle factors, certain medical conditions or treatments). As per your birth chart, 5H represents children, if the position of 5H and its lord is afflicted or Karak Jupiter is also in affliction then a delay in pregnancy can happen. Dasha also plays an important role in the occurrence of events. Relevant dasha activation is also needed in getting the result of childbirth. 

The malefic planets like Rahu, and Saturn, influenced over the 5th house can give a delay in pregnancy.

What are the reasons for Miscarriage?

What are the reasons for Miscarriage?

Miscarriage, which is the loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week, can occur for several reasons. 

As per your birth chart, 5H represents children, if the position of 5H and its lord is afflicted or Karak Jupiter is also in affliction then problems in pregnancy can happen. Dasha also plays an important role in the occurrence of events. Relevant dasha activation is also needed in getting the result of childbirth. If unfavourable or malefic dasha is activated then chances of miscarriage can be there.

The malefic planets like Ketu, Mars, Sun influence over the 5th house can give miscarriage.

How can Astrology tell about the time to get pregnant?

How can Astrology tell about the time to get pregnant?

As per your birth chart, 5H represents children, if the position of 5H and its lord is activated or Karak Jupiter is beneficially transit over the 5th house and its lord then pregnancy can happen. Dasha also plays an important role in the occurrence of events. Relevant dasha activation is also needed in getting the result of childbirth. This means the dasha of the 5th house lord, 9th house lord is considered as beneficial in getting pregnancy timing.

Multiple Miscarriage. How astrology can help?

Multiple Miscarriage. How astrology can help?

If unfavourable or malefic dasha is activated then chances of miscarriage can be there. The malefic planets like Ketu, Mars, Sun influence over the 5th house can give miscarriage. Multiple miscarriages mean the 5th house, and its lord, Karak Jupiter is badly afflicted in the D1 chart or D9 chart. Back-to-back dasha is of malefics or unfavourable planets. Dasha also plays an important role in the occurrence of events.

As per your birth chart, 5H represents children, if the position of 5H and its lord is afflicted or Karak Jupiter is also in affliction then problems in pregnancy can happen. Relevant dasha activation is also needed in getting the result of childbirth.

Why complications in pregnancy?

Why complications in pregnancy?

Some common reasons for complications include Health conditions in the mother, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid disorders, and Infections, such as urinary tract infections or sexually transmitted infections. Problems with the placenta, such as placenta previa or placental abruption, Preterm labor, which can result in premature birth, Multiple gestations, such as twins or triplets, which can increase the risk of complications. 

Fetal abnormalities or growth restriction, Maternal age, as both very young and older mothers may be at increased risk for complications. And lots of affliction in children's houses can be present.

If unfavourable or malefic dasha is activated, complications can occur. In such cases, the spouse chart is also not supporting child happiness. As per your birth chart, 5H represents children, if the position of 5H and its lord is afflicted or Karak Jupiter is also in affliction then complications in pregnancy can happen. 

Dasha also plays an important role in the occurrence of events. Relevant dasha activation is also needed in getting a smooth result of childbirth. There are many possible complications that can occur during pregnancy. 

The coming dasha will decide the result of the pregnancy. It's important for pregnant individuals to receive regular prenatal care to monitor for any potential complications and receive appropriate medical attention if necessary.

Can astrology guide if it will be natural or Cesarean?

Can astrology guide if it will be natural or Cesarean?

As per your chart, it can be seen that whether the delivery will be natural or cesarean, depends upon the condition of the 5th house which is a children's house. The malefic influence over this house can create the condition of cesarean delivery. In addition to this, the dasha/antardasha also plays an important role in deciding the situation. After concluding all the above factors, the final result can come.

Trying to conceive for the long time, not getting results.

Trying to conceive for the long time, not getting results.

As per your chart, if the children’s house means the 5th house is afflicted with malefic and the 5th house lord is also not well positioned and afflicted with malefic then problems in conceiving can happen. Influence of Rahu and Saturn over children’s house and its lord can also create not conceiving. Rest other factors should also be considered like Karak Jupiter plays an important role, its position defines the conception status, and children’s happiness.

It's been a long time. Will I ever have children?

It's been a long time. Will I ever have children?

As per your chart, if the children’s house means the 5th house is afflicted with malefic and the 5th house lord is also not well positioned and afflicted with malefic then problems in conceiving can happen. Influence of Rahu, Ketu, unfavourable Saturn, unfavourable Mars and Sun over children’s house and its lord can also create a long time in conception. Rest other factors should also be considered like Karak Jupiter plays an important role, its position defines the conception status, and children’s happiness. Dasha plays an important role in giving the timing of events, if relevant dasha/antardasha is not activated or not coming in future then possibly the time in getting the child will be long. The possibility of having a child or not can be seen after a complete analysis of both husband and wife birth charts.

How to predict pregnancy in a girls chart?

How to predict pregnancy in a girls chart?

As per your birth chart, 5H represents children, if the position of 5H and its lord is activated or Karak Jupiter is beneficially transit over the 5th house and its lord then pregnancy can happen. Dasha also plays an important role in the occurrence of events. Relevant dasha activation is also needed in getting the result of childbirth. This means dasha of the 5th house lord, and 9th house lord is considered beneficial in getting pregnancy timing. 
