marriage horoscope

Exact Timing of Marriage by Astrology

Does astrology use a process to determine the timing of marriage? Most definitely!
Astrologers can study your natal chart and navamsa charts, to determine the exact time of marriage.
The natal chart can clearly indicate whether you are destined to get married at all or not, and if so, astrologers can go on to calculate the exact timing of marriage for you.

How to determine if marriage is indicated in the first place?

As an example, Sun & Saturn jointly interfering with 7th house either from ascendant or from moon or even in navamsa chart, provides bleak possibility of marriage.
As for men, the 7th house, its lord and Venus predict the time and nature of marriage. For women, the 7th and 8th houses, their lords and Mars tell what is in store for them.

Is marriage soon on the cards for me? Find out

Merely checking marriage horoscope is not enough!

Apart from a preliminary horoscope reading, it's important to know that the 7th house, 7th lord venus,7th from venus, Moon & 7th from Moon and their related planets will come into the picture for marriage related predictions.

Dasa-Antardasa of those planets are very important for marriages.

If those are many, the most crucial Navamsa chart is judged to see which is the strongest planet denoting marriage.

Ask our expert astrologers about your marriage timing.

Vimshottari Dasha is the most effective dasha to get the exact timing of marriage. Dasha/antardasha of planets such as Rahu, ketu and venus, dasha/antardasha of the 7th house lord from moon and venus are all studied to come to conclusions of timing.

Obstacles in marriage due to planetary influences.

The transit of Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Mercury are focused on to get the exact marriage timing. The planet that would be in angle or trine among these four would decide the timing.

However, if any malefic planet influences that prime planet in any way, it can cause adverse effects like cancellation of the marriage.

Planning for Marriage: Check your Marriage compatibility Now!!!

Why should I analyze compatibility through marriage astrology?

 To prevent getting into a failed relationship or one where one has to work too hard to keep the relationship from breaking and impacting mental and physical health in the long term.

 Does astrology use a process to determine the timing of marriage? Most definitely!

You can assess whether the marriage is compatible on many levels including:

  • Mental Compatibility
  • Physical Compatibility
  • Financial Compatibility
  • Love Compatibility 

Astrology does the gun milan or ashtkootmilan which covers your overall compatibility.

Astrology analyses your chart and that of your partner to check for specific bhadas, rajju dosha, stree dosha etc which determine the positive and negative influences your relationship will go through.

All  about marriage timing in your chart from experts. consult Astrologer

The expert team at Akashvaani can help in sharing with you accurate astrological predictions around marriage and suggest suitable steps you can take based on the readings. Connect with us today!

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