How Kundali Matching Works. Why People do Kundali Matching before Marriage. Explain in detail.
We have all seen how a school functions. Everything works in synchronisation. Each class has periods for various subjects taken by different teachers. Once the bell rings, teachers wind up the class and move to the next class and everything goes on in a harmonious manner. This is the way nature functions.
Now, coming to astrology, your life partner was born somewhere else, brought up with different values and in different circumstances. How can we be sure that things will work in harmony after marriage? For this very reason, we take help of an expert astrologer to analyse the horoscopes of both the partners with the help of Kundali matching. We must remember that astrology is a science based on calculations of the positions of the planets in the various Houses. An astrologer who is experienced and well versed in Vedic astrology can foresee the various events of one’s life such as health, relationship, and career on studying the horoscope.
Kundali Milan is a procedure where both the horoscopes of the partners will be studied alongside each other and the astrologer would analyse and pin point the exact planetary positions to see if the marriage would be a success or not. The married life of the couple would be functioning in the same pattern as the behaviour of the planets. The Kundalidoes not tell us if a marriage will last or not but it will definitely tell us about the compatibility of the couple on the basis of horoscope matching. This tradition has been carried forward by our astrologers for hundreds of years.
Now, the thing we need to understand is how do is Marriage compatibility between the partners is checked. We have heard that in a horoscope, certain number of Gunas tally out of a total of 36 Gunas and then the astrologer looks at other factors too before deciding if the two horoscopes are matching. What is this? This is known as Guna Milan by a system known as Ashtakoota Guna Milan system.
In the Ashtakoota Guna Milan system, eight factors are tested for astrology compatibility of the partners. Each factor is assigned a certain number of Gunas or points which when totalled together give an overall score of which 36 Gunas is the highest.
If the total score is below 18 Gunas, then the couple is incompatible. If the total score of the Gunas is between 18 and 24, it is considered acceptable but an average match. If the total score of the Gunas is between 25 and 32 then it is considered a very good match and when the total score is above 32 Gunas, it means that the partners are similar in nature. But in a case where the couple have a score above 32 Gunas, other factors will also have to be assessed to make sure that the relationship is a long one as being identical is also not always good.
Guna Milan Test #1 - Varna - Maximum Possible Score: 1 Guna
Varna lets us know about the basic skills, abilities and personality of the individual. These are again divided into 4 classes:
- Brahmins (Priests) :Karka or Cancer, Vrishchika or Scorpio and Meena or Pisces
- Kshatriyas (Warriors) :Meshaor Aries, Simhaor Leo and Dhanuor Sagittarius
- Vaishyas (Merchants) :Vrishabhaor Taurus, Kanyaor Virgo and Makaraor Capricorn
- Shudras (Laborers) : - Mithuna or Gemini, Tula or Libra and Kumbhaor Aquarius
The classes listed above are by their ranking from highest to lowest, with Brahmin having the highest ranking. For Gunas to be given, the Varna of the groom must be higher than that of the bride. Suppose the groom is Kshatriya and the bride is Vaishya then 1 Gunais given.
There is a belief that if Varna does not match then there maybe conflict within the family.
Gun Milan Test #2 - Vasya - Maximum Possible Score: 2 Gunas
Earlier in history, Vasya was used to determine whether a husband would have influence over his wife but in modern times this test has been re-evaluated. Now we consider Vasya to be a test of whether there will be a dedicated and compatible relationship between two people.
The twelve signs of zodiac are broken up into 5 groups:
• Manava(Human) - Mithunaor Gemini, Kanyaor Virgo, Tula or Libra, the first 15 degrees of Dhanu or Sagittarius, Kumbhaor Aquarius.
• Vanachara(Wild) – Simhaor Leo.
• Chatushpada (Quadruped) – Meshaor Aries, Vrishabhaor Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Dhanuor Sagittarius, the first 15 degrees of Makaraor Capricorn.
• Jalachara (Water) – Karkaor Cancer, Meenaor Pisces, the second 15 degrees of Makara or Capricorn.
• Keeta(Insect) – Vrishchikaor Scorpio.
These are 4 rules to the Vasya test:
• Chatushpada, Manava, and Jalachara groups are Vasya to Vanachara group.
• Chatushpada, Jalachara, and Keeta groups are Vasya to Manava group.
• Jalachara signs are the food of Manava signs.
• Chatushpada signs are the food of Vanachara sign.
If both the bride and groom belong to the same group, for example, both are Chatushpada, then Vasya is good and 2 Gunas are given.
If one person's group is Vasya to other, for example, if the bride's group is Chatushpada and the groom's group is Manava then 1 Guna is given.
If one person's group is food to the other, for example, the bride is Jalachara and the groom is Manava then 1/2 a Guna is given.
If the bride or groom is notVasya to the other, no Gunas are given.
Gun Milan Test #3 - Tara - Maximum Possible Score: 3 Gunas
Tara calculates the health and well-being of the bride and groom after marriage and is achieved by comparing the birth stars (Tara) of both partners. Nakshatraare sectors of the ecliptic in which the moon moves in its orbit around the earth. There are a total of 27 nakshatras and their names are related to the constellations that are found within their sector.
The 27 nakshatras are classified into 9 Tara groups with three nakshatras in each. The 9 Taragroups are namely,Janam or Janma Tara, Sampat Tara, Vipat Tara, Kshem or Chhem Tara, Pratyari Tara, Sadhak Tara, Vadh Tara, Mitra Tara and Ati-Mitra Tara.
Gunas are allocated by counting from the bride's birth star to that of the groom and then dividing this number by 9. Similarly, it is done from the groom's birth star to that of the bride. If the remainders of both calculations are even, then the match is auspicious and 3 Gunas are given. If only 1 of the remainders is even, then 1.5 Gunas are given. If both remainders are odd then no Gunas are given.
Gun Milan Test #4 - Yoni - Maximum Possible Score: 4 Gunas
Yoni means the physical and sexual compatibility of a couple. Yoni is represented by animals and there are 14 different types which have 2 nakshatra belonging to each:
• Ashwa(Horse) - Ashwini, Shatabhishaj
• Gaja (Elephant)- Bharani, Revati
• Mesha (Ram) - Krittika, Pushya
• Sarpa(Serpent) - Rohini, Mrigashira
• Swah(Dog) - Ardra, Moola
• Marjarah(Tomcat) - Punarvasu, Ashlesha
• Mushika (Rat) - Magha, PurvaPhalguni
• Gau(Cow) - UttarPhalguni, UttarBhadrapada
• Mahisha (Buffalo) - Hasta, Swati
• Vyagrah (Tiger) - Chitra, Vishakha
• Mriga (Deer) - Anuradha, Jyeshtha
• Vanara (Monkey) - PurvaAsadha, Shravana
• Nakula (Mongoose) - UttarAsadha, Abhijit
• Sinha(Lion) - Dhanishtha, PurvaBhadrapada
Each animal’s behaviour towards the other was decided by the ancient astrologers and 5 behavioural categories were thus formed on that basis.
• Swabhava Yoni - means that the animals are the same and such a marriage is considered to be auspicious. 4 Gunas are given.
• Friendly Yoni - means that the animals are friendly towards each other. 3 Gunas are given.
• Neutral Yoni - means that the animals are neutral towards each other. 2 Gunas are given.
• Enemy Yoni - means that the animals are enemies. 1 Guna is given.
• Sworn Enemy Yoni - means that the animals are sworn enemies. No Gunas are given.
Gun Milan Test #5 - GrahaMaitri - Maximum Possible Score: 5 Gunas
GrahaMaitri is used to assess the strength of the love between the couple and is achieved by comparing the sign lords of the moon in the chart of the bride and groom. The relationship between the lords of the planets differs and Gunas are given according to the friendliness towards each other.
The Gunas are given as follows:
• If two lords are same or they are friends, 5 Gunas are given.
• If one lord is friendly and the other is neutral, 4 Gunas are given.
• If both lords are neutral, 3 Gunas are given.
• If one lord is friendly but the other views them as an enemy, 1 Guna is given.
• If one lord is neutral but the other views them as an enemy, 1/2 a Guna is given.
• If both lords consider each other as enemies, no Gunas are given.
Gun Milan Test #6 - Gana - Maximum Possible Score: 6 Gunas
Gana is used to tell about an individual’s temperament. The nakshatras are classified into 3 groups:
• Deva(Divine)–Ashwini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Hasta, Swati, Anuradh, Sravanam andRevati fall under this group. These gana people are charitable, spiritual, represent piety and not materialistic.
• Manushya(Human) - Bharani, Rohini, Aardra, PurvaPhalguni, UttaraPhalguni, Poorvaashadha, Uttaraashadha, PurvaBhadrapada andUttaraBhadrapada fall under this group. These gana people are evenly balanced between spiritual and materialistic.
• Rakshasa(Demon) - Kritika, Aaslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishaka, Jyeshtha, Moola, Dhanista, Shatabhisha fall under this group. These gana people are dominant, self-will and more materialistic than spiritual
Gunas are given according to the compatibility of the temperaments of the bride and groom.
Gun Milan Test #7 - Bhakoot - Maximum Possible Score: 7 Gunas
Bhakoot or Rashikootassessment is used to verify the overall health, welfare and prosperity of a family after marriage. Astrologers believe that BhakootDosha can affect the intimacy between the couple and cause delays in pregnancy. They have a maximum score of 7 Gunas, this is the 2nd most important test which causes a lot of anxiety in couples. BhakootDosha is calculated upon the distance or number counted from the bride's rashi to the groom's rashi and vice versa.
The possible combinations of distance are:
• 1/1, 1/7, 2/12, 3/11,4/10, 5/9 and 6/8
These combinations are sorted into two groups,namely, auspicious and inauspicious:
• Auspicious or Sad bhakoot: 1/1, 1/7, 3/11, 4/10
• Inauspicious or Dushtabhakoot : 2/12, 5/9, 6/8
If the combination is 1/1, 1/7, 3/11 or 4/10, then 7 Gunas are given. If the combination is 2/12, 5/9 or 6/8 then BhakootDosha is formed and no Gunas are given at all.
Gun Milan Test #8 - Nadi - Maximum Possible Score: 8 Gunas
Nadi testing is to assess the compatibility of genetic factors of the bride and groom to make sure that they are capable of producing healthy progeny. Usually, the main purpose of marriage is to produce children and further the family lineage to make the marriage complete. As producing children was the main purpose of marriage, this test provides a maximum score of 8 Gunas which is the highest of any of the Guna Milan tests.
For the Nadi test, the nakshatra are once again classified into 3 groups:
• Adi(Vata) - Ashwini, Aardra, Punarvasu, UttaraPhalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Moola, Shatabhisha, PurvaBhadrapada belong to this group.
• Madhya (Pitta) - Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, PurvaPhalguni, Chitra, Anuradha, Poorvaashadha, Dhanistha, UttaraBhadrapada belong to this group.
• Antya (Kapha) - Kritika, Rohini, Aaslesha, Magha, Swati, Vishakha, Uttaraashadha, Shravani, Revati belong to this group.
The rule for this test is that the bride and groom should not belong to the same Nadi. If the couple have differentNadis then 8 Gunas are given. If they belong to the same Nadi then it is thought that any baby born to the couple will be unhealthy and thus no Gunas are given.
There are exceptions while doing the Nadi test. For example, while testing Nadi, if the male and female are born in the same Rashi but have different nakshatra and the nakshatra of the groom is before the bride then there is a NadiDosha exception. Another example is in the case of a BhakootDosha which can be removed if the lords of the signs are friendly.
Where no exceptions can be found, there are astrological remedies which maybe applied to lessen or remove the effects of the dosha. An example of a Nadi remedy is to chant theMahamrityunjaya mantra regularly.
Only Matching of Nakshatra is not the only way of Horoscope matching. Checking marriage compatibility only on basis of Nakshatra is not complete and other factors also need to be considered.
These 6 important factors need to be analysed at the time of Kundali Milan.
- Longevity– The longevity of life of both the partners needs to be checked before the Guna Milan process. It makes no sense if the life of one of the partners is short. It leads to unhappiness.
- Health– The health ofboth the partners needs to be analysed. A study has to be done if there is a chance of incurable disease. Married life cannot be enjoyed if there are health problems.
- Finance–A good life cannot be lived without money. Poverty destroys the happiness in a marriage and gives miseries, so during Kundali matching, the horoscope has to be checked that there is no Daridra Yoga present.
- Future– Even though a person is born poor, the future should look good. Marriage should be recommended if other factors are also suitable.
- Children– While studying the horoscope for marriage compatibility, one has to study that there is no affliction to childbirth in the horoscope. If one chart has a slight affliction, then the other chart has to complement the first and supersede the affliction.
- Mutual Understanding– The astrologers must study the mutual harmony of the partners while doing Kundali matching. Especially planets like Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Rahu should be placed in a harmonious position. If harmony is not present, the couple faces many difficulties in life.
Love Compatibilitystudy should be done on both the horoscopes. The planet Venus signifies love of wife in the chart of the male whereas Jupiter signifies love in the chart of the female. Thus, these two planets should not be weak in the horoscopes. Mar signifies boyfriend in the horoscope of the female and also signifies aggression. If Jupiter is positioned well in the natal chart of the female, she will get a wise and educated husband. If the position of Venus in one chart with respect to the position of Mars in the other chart is opposite to each other or in the same sign, they are fully compatible for love and romance.
ManglikDosha: When Mars is positioned in ascendant, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th House of a horoscope the individual is said to be Manglik. Mars signifies energy and strength and the position in the above Houses related to marriage increases the sexual potency of the individual. If a male of high sexual potentiality is married to a wife of low sexual strength, their conjugal lives will be highly disturbed.
Therefore, the marriage of a Mangalikfemale with Mangalikmale is considered to be best as both of them have equal sexual potential. Thus we should not be scared of Maglikdosha during the Kundali matching. This also doesDosha balancing in both charts during the Kundali Reading for Marriage.
Among all the positions, if Mars is positioned in the 8th house and is also afflicted, it may cause havoc in the married life of an individual. This is speciallynot good for females as 8th house is known as the mangalsthan(the longevity of husband) for girls. But if this Mars is not afflicted or lies in its own house or is in aspect withJupiter, it doesn’t cause much harm. Thus special importance is given to Mars during Kundali Matching for Marriage.
Kundali Milan Steps that should be followed while doing horoscope matching.
- The Lagna of both the charts should be 4/10, 1/7, 5/9 or 3/11 position. If the Lagna is in 6/8 or 2/12posiiton, the temperament of the male and female doesn’t match.
- The Lord of Lagna should be checked in a similar way. The Lagna Lord should not be positioned in 2/12 or 6/8 position.
- The moon should be placed favourably in 4/10, 1/7, 5/9 or 3/11 position . If the Moon sign of one individual is the Lagna of the other Horoscope, it is considered very well for marital bliss.
- Kundali matching by date of birth requires the complete analysis of the both the charts.
- Sun should not be positioned in 7th house
- If Rahu and Venus coincide in both the charts, it means very good love and romance between the couple and is perfect to match Kundalis
- Jupiter should not be weak in the chart of the female.
- The planet Venus is the significator of the 7th house and its strength or weakness affects the married life to a great extent. If Venus is not positioned well in a chart,it can lead to infertility.
- The Placement of Navamsaascendant of Boy in Girls Navamsa chart should be checked. It should not be in 6,8, 12 House and Afflicted by Malefic Planet. In the same way, the placement of Navamsaascendant of Girl should be checked in Boys Navamsa Chart.
- The Mental temperament of both Boy and Girl should match else problemscouldoccur in Marriage.
- The Affliction or Malefic Planets placed in 2nd house, 4th house, 7th house and 8th house should be equal so that the malefic influence can balance each other.
After completing the above checks, we can do the Ashtakoota Guna Milap. If the above factors are all right but the Ashtakoota score is low, go ahead with the marriage. The Ashtakoota Guna Milapsystem is not even the 10% of total process of Kundali Milan for marriage.
If you want more information on Kundali matching, please do not hesitate to ask our expert astrologers.
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